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A bit of history...

In France in the 1950s and 1960s, when the automobile replaced the use of horse-drawn carriages, some pioneers saw the horse as a different way to travel, to get closer to nature.


In a carriage, on horseback, a new discipline is born: equestrian tourism.


To supervise this activity, ANTE, the National Association of Equestrian Tourism, was created in 1963. Training courses are established, as well as the supervision diplomas of the first activities.


In 1971, Le Centaure was born among a group of horse riders as a new activity and new challenges. The most difficult test, physically, psychologically, the longest, the most tiring...


In 1975, creation of the FITE, International Federation of Equestrian Tourism in order to bring together national organizations linked to equestrian tourism.


The "Raid du Centaure" is an Orientation and Regularity Race (P.O.R.), created in France in 1976. Initially, the regulations were based on the French night POR regulations, with the same veterinary checks and the same penalties. Currently, the TREC international regulations approved by FITE predominate.

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